
2 January 2022


Montreal for Entrepreneurship

Nous sommes actuellement en recrutement de participants pour une nouvelle aventure entrepreneuriale à Munich en Allemagne  pour le printemps 2025!

Recruitment will end as soon as the cohort is complete. We invite you to submit your application as soon as possible to avoid missing your chance.

Montreal for entrepreneurship, M4E, is a program that was developed in 2013 with the support of several partners, including;

Ce programme vise l’exploration et l’amorce du potentiel entrepreneurial de jeunes adultes (18-30 ans) qui veulent se lancer en affaires à travers une approche axée sur le coaching, le codéveloppement et un échange à l’international, plus précisément en Allemagne. Depuis 2013, dix cohortes de jeunes entrepreneurs y ont participé.

Pour cette 11ème édition le  programme se déroulera du 5 au 17  mai 2025 two intensive weeks, one in Montreal and one in Germany.

Détails de la programmation 2025

Une première rencontre de groupe aura lieu le 23 avril 2024.

Du 5  au 9  mai à Montréal

  • Initiation to the German culture and language
  • Workshop on the validation of your business idea
  • How to have a successful crowdfunding campaign
  • How to finance a startup
  • Business visits and meet ups with entrepreneurs
  • How to start as a self-employed worker

Du 10 au 17 mai  Allemagne

  • Visit of the Quebec delegation in Munich
  • Meeting with a Quebec entrepreneur based in Munich
  • Visites de Startup
  • Two-day immersive workshop on the ideation of ​​an eco-responsible business with Bavarian university students
  • A cultural visit
  • Coaching your business idea in the mountains

Following the program, a group meeting will take place and personalized follow-up lasting 6 months will be offered to all participants to support them in the development of their business idea.

Afin de vous donner une bonne idée de la programmation vous pouvez visionner le programme de 2024.

M4E 2024 (3)

Eligibility criterias

  • be between 18 and 30 years old
  • be bilingual, French and English
  • être résident ou citoyen canadien
  • be available for the entire program
  • have a business idea or be very interested in entrepreneurship

Cost of the program
Le coût du programme est de 950$ et inclut le coût du déplacement local et l’hébergement en Allemagne.

To submit your application, click here. or send your CV and a cover letter which explains the main lines of your business project or your interest in entrepreneurship to caroline.gauthier@cje-ndg.com or call us at 514-482-6665 ext 221 .

This an on going project so we suggest that you Register to our newsletter to stay informed of the next participation opportunity.


Nos partenaires




M4E en photos


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6370, Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal (Quebec) H4B 1M9

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