Job Bank

«Le CJE souhaite vous accompagner dans la recherche de votre perle rare. Publiez votre offre d’emploi dès aujourd’hui afin de rejoindre nos candidats disponibles!»

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We offer a free in-house job posting service at CJE NDG as well as on our social media pages. This service allows you to join our pool of qualified and well-supervised job seekers to enter the labour market. Every year, nearly 600 people use our services and more than 1,000 users follow us online. Don’t miss a golden opportunity to find the gem for your business!

Don’t have your employer account yet?
Fill out this form* or contact us for any questions.

*Please note that approval of your application must go through our administration before it can be accessed. You will receive a confirmation from us if your registration is validated. Thank you for your understanding.

"*" indicates required fields

Administrator Name*
Upload your logo icon in 300 x 300 pixels format.
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