Volunteering is a great way for young people to reinvest their resources in their communities. We work with young people attending upper secondary school to encourage them to be agents of change and to initiate projects that will have social and environmental impacts in their schools. In doing so, we help them to strengthen their teamwork skills and leadership. These experiences help build their identities and give them the opportunity to define their values, strengths and interests. Under this initiative, many projects have been established, including a group of student civic mediators and an awareness campaign against drunk driving.
The CJE NDG offers a monetary subsidy to participating schools as well as tailored support during the project.
Who is this service for?
We support groups of students in upper secondary schools located in NDG, Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc and Montreal West.
For more information,
contact us!
We can help you!
Caroline Gauthier
Project Development and Entrepreneurship
Phone: 514-482-6665 ext: 221
Email: caroline.gauthier@cje-ndg.com