
“Many projects are offered at the CJE NDG in order to best serve our clients.”
22 July 2024
Camper avec Keanu

Le projet, CAMPER AVEC kEANU, s’adresse aux jeunes adultes participants des programmes Départ à neuf et Autonomie du CJE NDG. Ce projet se veut une expérience de motivation et de persévérance dans leur parcours au CJE NDG. Le programme consiste d’une sortie en nature et de deux nuits de camping afin d’initier les jeunes à […]

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8 July 2024

Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter Roulo-Boulo, notre innovant mini-service d’emploi, qui arrivera dans les rues fin août ! Il est conçu pour apporter directement dans votre quartier des services d’emploi essentiels, incluant le soutien pour la recherche d’emploi, la rédaction de CV, la préparation aux entretiens et des conseils de carrière. Notre équipe d’experts […]

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23 May 2024
Sphère Project

Aire Ouverte is a place managed in collaboration with local community organizations, where young people aged 12 to 25 can benefit from different services relating to the following areas: Emotions and mental health (e.g. anger, sadness, concerns about the future, anxiety, depression, difficult situations). Well-being (e.g.: conflicts, violence, difficult relationships, drugs, alcohol, addictive games, etc.); Health (e.g.: sexuality, pregnancy, screening tests);

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21 March 2023
Digital garden

The digital garden project seeks to combine the need to offer a sustainable development project with the growing appeal of the digital world. Created with the aim of raising community awareness of the challenges of urban agriculture and the use of computer technologies, the CJE is planning various types of activities, including gardening and [...].

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2 January 2022

Montréal pour l'entrepreneurship We're currently recruiting participants for a new entrepreneurial adventure in Munich, Germany, in the spring of 2025! Recruitment will end as soon as the cohort is complete. We invite you to submit your application as soon as possible to avoid missing your chance. Montréal pour l'entrepreneurship, M4E, is [...]

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2 November 2021
La brigade

The NDG Snow Brigade is an intergenerational project funded by the City of Montreal & carried out by Carrefour jeunesse-emploi & its incredible young volunteers. The brigade doesn't just shovel snow off the property of vulnerable seniors for free. The brigade is there to help them by protecting them from [...]

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2 November 2021

EP NDG is a project created jointly by CJE NDG, projet W.O.R.D. and Table de concertation jeunesse NDG, as part of the celebrations for the 375th anniversary of Montreal. With the support of the CDN-NDG borough and the City of Montreal, we produced a music video featuring community leaders as well as [...].

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Last Projets

Camper avec Keanu
22 July 2024
8 July 2024
Projet Sphère
23 May 2024
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