Citizens of the World

“International and provincial mobility projects”

CJE NDG World Citizens Team

Since the program was started in 2011, the mission of the team Citizens of the word of the CJE NDG is to give an enriching experience to youth aged 18 to 35 through participating in international and provincial mobility projects by being involved in the daily lives of different communities through cooperation.

Our team has completed several group projects such as: Togo, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Belgium. Through these projects participants develop skills in personal development, (self confidence, self awareness, communication skills, a deeper understanding of how they want to contribute to the world, increased autonomy and sense of responsibility, team work, etc). Professional skills, (Language skills – (English / French / Spanish), presenting workshops, sustainable development, bicycle repair, ecological construction).

On top of these responsibilities, a member of our team is available to meet with youth who have their own mobility project in mind. If it is an internship or looking for a job or language program overseas or in another province, we are well equipped to support you during all the steps at fulfilling your dream.

Who is this service for?

To participate in a project you must be 18 – 35 years old, not presently working and have not completed any post secondary education.

For support for your own project there are no restrictions for participants.

Thank you to our partners

If you’re interested in our program?

Contact us!

Ronald Becerra

Career Development Counsellor

Phone: 514-482-6665 ext: 200

Projet TOGO 2019

The Togo 2019 Project taught us how to repair bicycles which we then distributed to villages where kids have to walk great distances each day to go to school. We also did educational and recreational activities with school children in Danyi N’Digbé village. Adding to their skill base of bicycle repair the Anglophone participants gave English language classes and took French language classes to improve their level, while the francophone participants facilitated activities for the French class of the village school. We also had the opportunity to visit the capital city, Lomé and visit an elephant sanctuary in the north of Togo.

Ecuador 2014 and 2019

This project was 13 weeks long with 3 of those weeks taking place in Ecuador. It gave an opportunity to 8 youth to develop different skills and competencies such as: self awareness, learning Spanish, urban agriculture, farming techniques, bicycle repair and learn the effects of globalization. The goal of the project was to give youth their first experience in international cooperation and to develop new skills that they in turn shared with their own communities. After 8 weeks of preparation in Canada, the group was off to Ecuador. While overseas, they worked on a self-sufficient farm and worked on different projects such as: planting fruits and vegetables, small-scale reforestation, organic shrimp farming and helping make cheese, chocolate, coffee and aloe shampoo. This experience also allowed the participants to visit a different part of Ecuador and the local culture.

Belgium 2012

Gray energy is the total amount of energy in a product, from the extraction of the natural resources all the way to its final usage. This project in Liege, Belgium shed light on all the different energies it takes to build or renovate a building. The project was to renovate a building, transforming it to a 0 energy eco building using the minimal amount of carbon energy as possible. Through this eco construction project our group gained insight on different ways to reduce energy consumption and introduced us to the Transition cities movement. Transition cities are cities that understand the necessity to move away from oil and petroleum product consumption by practising old and new ways to sustain our environment.

This socio professional reinsertion project was an 8 week project (3 weeks in Belgium). Seven youth between the ages of 18 and 26 had the chance to participate in the construction of a sustainable building. The project ran from May 1st until June 22nd 2012.

Cyclo de Vida Costa Rica 2011

Cyclo de Vida was an 8-week professional and personal development program that spent three of those weeks in Costa Rica and 2 weeks for participant follow up in Montreal after. This program was the first International Cooperation initiative by CJE-NDG.

We had 12 participants aged 18 to 30 years old from Quebec who improved their skills through Spanish classes, workshops on personal and professional development and learning how to do urban agriculture. The aim of the program was to give youth tools to accomplish their professional and personal goals while having a precise objective upon their return from overseas.

During their stay, the participants had the opportunity to live in a small community in the mountains and to participate in daily chores of the village co-op. They also helped with coffee cultivation, making shampoo, re-doing a soccer field, creating a ceramic fresco and building a water basin.
