School Perseverance

We work with young people who are at risk of dropping out of school or who have dropped out within the last six months to offer them support in their efforts to stay in school. To do this, we offer personalized homework assistance and individual counselling as well as group workshops. For more than 7 years we have been involved in the school environment with the W.O.R.D. (lien vers notre page du projet WORD) project, providing young people with writing and poetry workshops. This project is an alternative way to strengthen young people’s ties with their school environment. W.O.R.D., afin de mettre à la disposition des jeunes des ateliers d’écriture et de poésie, un moyen alternatif pour renforcer le lien des jeunes avec leur milieu scolaire.
Client Description
We support young people aged 15 to 19 who reside in NDG, Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc and Montreal West, either individually or inside of educational institutions.