Tous nos programmes d’employabilités sont personnalisés selon vos besoins. Chaque programme propose un accompagnement avec une approche adaptée au potentiel d’intégration à l’emploi du client.
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Découvrez nos ateliers et activités de recrutement en présentiel ou en virtuel!
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Exploration de carrière
Nous vous accompagnons dans vos démarches pour établir un plan de carrière réussie, en tenant compte de vos objectifs personnels et professionnels.
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Nous offrons des rencontres individuelles aux entrepreneurs en devenir et aux clients qui désirent en apprendre plus sur l’écosystème montréalais d’appui aux entrepreneurs.
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About Us
The CJE NDG is a non-profit organization established in 1998. We offer free and accessible career and employment counseling, school perseverance, entrepreneurship -building and civic engagement services in order for our participants to acquire the skills they need for their social, personal and professional integration.
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Our services
For individuals
For Employers
For Schools
Coaching, counseling and support in job search.
Career Exploration
Guidance service in your efforts to establish a successful career plan.
Service d’Orientation
Exchanges with professionals in your field to facilitate your integration into employment.
Individual meetings for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Personal Development
Individual counselling, life skills workshops, research services and off-site coaching.
We promote civic engagement for young adults in our neighbourhood.
Research Center
Research for employment or studies.
Language Practice Workshops
French language workshops for newcomers.
Commissioner of Oaths
Get a sworn statement
Citizens of the World
International and provincial mobility projects.
Fresh Start
Get the job that suits you or start your studies in the field that interests you.
Placement Services
Placement and training service.
School Perseverance
We engage students in a variety of ways to strengthen their connection to school
Initiation of projects by students with social and environmental repercussions in their schools.
Entrepreneurship Simulation
In school simulation of entrepreneurship projects.
Financial Education
Personal finance education for high school students.

We connect with young people through culture and art.

Register now!
We offer our services to individuals who are 16 and over who are mainly living in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead and Montreal-West. Our 35+ program is open to individuals living anywhere on the Island of Montréal.
Register here to meet with a career development counselor.

Concours Créneau : nouveau tirage en cours !
7 February 2025

Webinaire d’introduction à la prévention du suicide
4 February 2025
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